
Mojo led the charge on this one and I simply couldn’t resist. It is an idea that I have toyed with for awhile. I’m a sucker for a challenge, naming themes and having structure to my game play. So this felt like a perfectly acceptable thing for me to do. Plus I’m a go all out kind of gal.

And since I can never decide which challenge I want to start. Why not all them? Maybe this way I’m less likely to take a break from them with the unknown possibility of returning. Fingers crossed at least. I’ve picked some challenges I have attempted in the past, ones that I have failed and some that I have never tried. I think it’s a nice mixture.

Check them out below. If you click the banners, they will direct you to their homepage as they become available. As well as using the tabs above to direct you and catch up on the most recent chapters.

1. Name Game – Let’s try this again.

2. Differences in the Family Tree – Another one I have not done but have always thought about trying. I like how each generation has its own requirements and some are different then how I would normally play. Excited to try it out.

3. 1,000 Baby Challenge + Legendary – I know. I know! It’s a lot but what better way to start off a 100 generation challenge then with a matriarch who must have 10 children per generation.

4. The “Officially” Wacky Boolprop Challenge – I tried this once before and it’s fun! Different then a usually legacy with it’s own requirements. This challenge is to be completed in five generations but I will be making it ten. *SPOILER* I may choose new requirements for the second half.

5. Prettacy + Alphabetacy – Mojo is like my simlit hero and couldn’t resist trying this again. It’s a prettacy but I will be rotating between pretty and ugly heirs for the entire alphabet. Which I’m doing backwards BTW!

6. Disney Legacy – Who doesn’t love Disney? This will continue on for all the Princess. Names will be taken from that Princesses movie.

7. The Decades Challenge – Never done this before so it should be interesting. Naming theme will be in correspondence to the decade based on the most popular names in that time period.

8. Build Newcrest Legacy Challenge – An oldie but a goodie, and since I am a sucker for name themes, it will be mineral, metals and stones.

9. Board Game Challenge – Seems interesting.

10. Rebuilding Worlds Vol.2 – Always a favorite of mine.